My baby will be turning a year old in about a month's time and I'm happy to report that we're still breastfeeding. Of course, he already eats solid food by now (and he eats a lot!) but we still supplement with about 10 oz of milk while I'm at work, and all he can drink at night when I'm home.
It was difficult, but I have already accepted that I just don't express as much milk as most moms do. But I was never tempted to give him formula because the numerous soiled diapers proved that he was getting more than enough milk. The two main challenges I faced then was producing 15oz for his daily consumption while I was at work and getting home right away because his milk stash would have already ran out by early evening. When he turned 6 months old and started on solids, I could already relax a bit because his milk intake during the day decreased to 10oz. That meant no more early morning pumping sessions just to catch up with my daily quota. Hurrah!!
I tried all I could to increase the volume of my expressed milk and nothing seemed to work, because really, the problem was solely with me. I just couldn't relax enough to trigger a strong milk letdown. But when I would pump simultaneously while my baby nursed, I would get as much as 3oz from a single session. Take note that 3oz is already my output for BOTH boobs when I express in the office, so that's really a remarkable thing.
Dea of Mom's Basket sent me two weeks worth of lactation cookies a few months back and I really wanted to believe that they would help increase my expressed milk. And they actually did. My boobs felt heavier within a few days of taking the cookies but I ended up expressing just the same amount in the office. Again, the problem lies with me. But true to form, I filled the entire 5oz bottle when I pumped while nursing my boy.
Clearly, I don't need lactation treats, malunggy tablets or vats of soup to increase my expressed milk, what I need is to learn how to relax. Now if only I can get that in a pill form:p
Let's talk about something more pleasant now, cookies!
What I liked about Dea's cookies were how they still managed to remain chewy and fresh tasting even if she sent a two-week batch. Needless to say, they were also quite yummy and I found it quite a challenge to limit myself to only 2 cookies per day.
The available flavors are plain (which has a slight cinnamon bite), chocolate, chocolate chip and red velvet.
Enjoy the rest of your day mommies!
*For inquiries or orders of these lactation cookies, please head on over to Mom's Basket.