*Contributed post from Rachael Cherry of @NannyPro
Even though having a child is one of the most beautiful events a woman can experience, the after affects can be anything but joyous. Not everyone is lucky enough to bounce back to their pre-pregnancy weight without trying, and many women spend months fighting to fit back into their pre-pregnancy jeans. So what can you do to help put yourself back together?
1. Running: This may be difficult if your infant relies on you full-time, but the benefits of running make it well worth finding time to do. Running is a proven calorie-burner, and requires little more than a stretch of pavement and a good pair of running shoes, making it a great go-to exercise for moms who can get out the door but not to the gym. Want to include your baby? Jogging strollers will allow you to spend time with your new child, burn calories and get in a little extra arm workout from pushing the stroller while you run. A home treadmill is also a great investment that lets you fit in a workout while still being able to attend to your baby at a moment’s notice.
2. Diets: Cleaning up your diet is one of the best ways to lose weight – arguably even more so than exercise. Be careful, though; if you’re breastfeeding, dieting might not be the best option because your body needs the extra calories to feed both you and your baby. Instead of restricting your food intake or wasting money on diet pills or plans, stick to eating healthy, nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. This will help you shed pounds without depriving yourself and give you and your baby the nutrients you both need.
3. Active Movement: Another great way to burn calories is to stay active throughout the day. Try swimming or biking for cardio exercise if running isn’t your thing. Walking is also a great low-impact activity that can help you shed serious pounds. If you’re looking for something you can do in your home with minimal cost, try out different exercise DVDs – most are only 20-30 minutes long. Even deep cleaning and gardening can help you torch calories – the trick is to just keep moving.
4. Drink More Water: Not only will more water keep you from becoming dehydrated; it can also fill you up so you don't eat as much. The majority of people don’t intake enough water during the day, and signs of dehydration are often mistaken for hunger cues. The next time your stomach rumbles, drink a glass of water before reaching for the chips, wait a few minutes and then reassess if you’re actually hungry or not. Water can also improve various aspects of your body, such as brain function. Some researchers have even found that increased intake could speed up your metabolism, which is a great reason to pour yourself an ice cold glass of H2O.
5. Reduce Stress: Caring for an infant requires a great deal of work, which can quickly lead to excess stress. Between frustrations you may feel as a new mother and the lack of sleep you’re likely experiencing, these added stressors can quickly result in weight gain. Find ways to relax yourself throughout the day. Practice yoga, meditate when you can and try to incorporate more sleep. The more rested you are, the more focused your mind is, allowing you to better deal with the everyday stress of having a child.
Depending on your body type, it may take quite a bit of effort to get rid of that pregnancy flab. Don’t fall into the comparison trap though. Some women never recover from being pregnant, while others have bodies that show no signs of having ever carried another human being inside of them. While it may seem unfair, keep your mind focused on living as healthy as possible. Doing so will allow you to be your best self for both you and your baby.
Rachael Cherry is a wife, mother, and writer who is passionate about helping connect families in need with high quality caregivers. She has taken that passion and put it to work through NannyPro, a respected online nanny referral service. Learn more by visiting @NannyPro on Twitter.